• Frequences meteo FAX et teletype (RTTY)

    Frequences Meteo FAX - Weather Fax frequencies


    frequences FAX

    Northwood  England 2618.5   4610   8040  11086.5  18261
    Hamburg Germany 3855  7880  13882.5
    Athens Greece 4481 8105
    Roma Italy 4777.5 8146.5 13597.4
    Sklamlebaek, Danemark 5850 9360 13855 17510
    Charleville Australia 2628  5100  11030  13920  20469
    Wiluna  Australia
    5755  7535  10555  15615  18060
    Melbourne Australie 5100
    Wellington, New Zealand 3247.4 5807 9459 13550.5 16340.1
    Moscow Russia 4318  5108  7670  10611  13886  (sous reserves)
    3830 5008 6987 7695 10980 12961 11617
    Murmansk Russia 5336 6445.5 7908.8 10130
    Tashkent1 Uzbekistan
    Tashkent2 Uzbekistan
    3690 4365 5890 7570 9340 14982.5
    3280 5285 8083 9150 13947
    note : RPM = 60, 90, ou 120 IOC=576
    Pevek Chukotka Russie NE 148  note : rpm = 90  IOC = 576
    Tokyo Japon 3622.5 7795 9970 13988.5 18220 18441
    Kyodo Japan 4316 8467.5 12745.5 16971 17069.6 22542 16035 17430
    note : rpm = 60 ou 120, IOC=576
    Yokosuka Japon 4956  12777  22324.5
    Pekin Chine 5526.9 8121.9 10116.9 14366.9 16025.9 18236.9
    8461.9 12831.9 16903.9
    Taipe Chine 4616 5250 8140 13900 18560
    Seoul Coree 5385 5857.5 7433.5 9165 13570
    Bangkok Thailande 7396.8 10299 17520
    Halifax Canada 122.5  4271  6496.4  10536  13510
    Iqaluit and Resolute Canada 3253 7710
    Sydney - nova scotia Canada 4416 6915.1
    Inuvik Canada 8457.8
    Boston USA 4235  6340.5  9110  12750
    Pt Reyes Californie USA 4346  8682  12786  17151.2  22527
    New Orleans USA Louisiane 4317.9  8503.9  12789.9 17146.4
    Kodiak USA Alaska 2054  4298  8459 12412.5
    Honolulu USA Hawai 9982.5  11090  16135  23331.5
    Northwood , UK ( Golfe persique) 6834 12390 18261
    Cape Naval Afrique du Sud  4014  7508  13538  18238
    Nairobi Kenya 9044.9 17447.5

    Diego Garcia

    7582  12806  20302

    Dakar Senegal


    Apra Guam NW pacifique

    5258  5262  10253  10257  16026.6  19858  19862  23008


    8614  12727.5 16914.5
    Valparaiso Chili  4228 8677 17146.4
    Rio de Janeiro Brazil 12665 16978

    Buenos Aires Argentine

    7930 18093

    Ci joint quelques frequences de bulletins meteo en RTTY , SYNOP ou NAVTEX . De meme que precedemment,  caler le recepteur en mode USB environ 1.9 KHz plus bas que les valeurs du tableau.
    Les valeurs du shift et datarates sont indiques dans les colonnes de droite .
    Below are a couple of frequency list for the weather forecast in RTTY, SYNOP or Navtex . Set the receiver in USB 1.9 KHz lower than the table. Datarates and shift are given in the right column.

    Frequences Meteo RTTY et Navtex
    Navtex and RTTY weather forecasts frequencies


    frequences RTTY


    Hamburg Germany english: 4583 7646 10100.8
    german: 11039 14467.3
    german: 147.3
    RTTY 50 baud, shift 425Hz
    RTTY 50 baud, shift 425Hz
    RTTY 50 baud, shift 85Hz
    Murmansk 6395 13050 16800 16804 RTTY 50 bauds shift 170Hz reverse
    Turkey  4560 8431 12654 NAVTEX
    Halifax Canada 13510 RTTY 75 baud 850Hz
    cost guards USA 6314 8416.6 12579 16806.5 22376 NAVTEX SITOR NBDP 75 bauds
    Brazil navy 12711 RTTY 75 bauds, shift  850Hz
    world wide 490 518 4209.5 NAVTEX


    source http://www.dxzone.com/cgi-bin/dir/jump2.cgi?ID=20227

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